Tokenizer Module

Source: /ellie_engine/tokenizer

Creating Tokenizer

Example Implementation

Creating ProgramRepository

To create tokenizer you should create a struct for [Program Repository]() trait. ProgramRepository is the file reader bridge between tokenizer and user-defined code.

Create a struct that implements ProgramRepository trait.

struct Repository {
    used_modules: Vec<String>,
    main_hash: usize,
    module_name: String,
    target_path: String,

What is ProgramRepository::read_main?

Signature of ProgramRepository::read_main:

impl ProgramRepository for Repository {
    fn read_main(&self) -> MainProgram {

What is ellie_engine::utils::MainProgram? And whats content of it?

By default every file’s should have a unique file_hash, contents of it file_content and directory information such as file_name and start_director. file_hash is a unique hash, but Id doesn’t need to be hash of file content. It can be anything that is unique.

Implementing ProgramRepository::read_main

In this example we got the hash of the file but its not necessary.

impl ProgramRepository for Repository {
    fn read_main(&self) -> MainProgram {
        let main_file_content = fs::read_to_string(&self.target_path).unwrap();

        let file_name = self.target_path.split("/").collect::<Vec<&str>>();
        let file_name = file_name[file_name.len() - 1];

        let mut main_file_hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
        main_file_content.hash(&mut main_file_hasher);
        let first_page_hash = main_file_hasher.finish();
        self.main_hash = first_page_hash as usize;
        MainProgram {
            file_content: main_file_content,
            file_hash: first_page_hash as usize,
            start_directory: format!(

Now ProgramRepository::read_main function is implemented. Lets implement ProgramRepository::read_module function.

What is ProgramRepository::read_module?

Signature of ProgramRepository::read_module:

impl ProgramRepository for Repository {
    fn read_module(
        &mut self,
        link_module: bool,
        current_path: String,
        requested_path: String,
    ) -> ResolvedImport {

So what is ResolvedImport? ResolvedImport is message that we’re sending to tokenizer.

#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct ResolvedImport {
    pub found: bool,
    pub resolve_error: String,
    pub hash: usize,
    pub path: String,
    pub matched: ImportType,
  • ResolvedImport::found is a boolean that tells tokenizer if the file is found or not. If the file is not found tokenizer will throw an error. The error message is dependend on ResolvedImport::resolve_error if its provided it will display that custom error message. If not it will display default error message.

  • ResolvedImport::hash is a hash of the file. It can be anything that is unique.

  • ResolvedImport::path is a path of the file. It can be anything that is unique.

  • ResolvedImport::matched This is the part where everything gets complicated.

    pub enum ImportType {

    So this enum has two variants. Code and Module. Code variant is for importing code. Module variant is for importing pre-compiled modules, we will talk about this later.

  • What is parameters of ProgramRepository::read_module?

    • link_module is a boolean that tells tokenizer if the file is a module or not. Think of it like you are importing a module from package manager. Usually import imports from path this is why we need link_module parameter.
    • current_path is a path of the file that is importing the module.
    • requested_path is a path of the module that is being imported.
Implementing ProgramRepository::read_module
Providing Code ImportType::Code

In this example we will provide ImportType::Code (Text) to tokenizer. We will read the file and return it as ImportType::Code.

First of all, we should see how paramters could be:

Link module: false
Current path: <ellie_module_main>/main.ei
Requested path: ./deb.ei

What’s this <ellie_module_main>?

Ellie does not have a directory manager built-in because of maximum flexibility. So we need to provide a directory manager. In this example we will use <ellie_module_main> as our main directory. We already know our main.ei file’s path so its not that hard to figure out where is ./deb.ei file.

impl ProgramRepository for Repository {
    fn read_module(
        &mut self,
        link_module: bool,
        current_path: String,
        requested_path: String,
    ) -> ResolvedImport {
        let starter_name = format!("<ellie_module_{}>", self.module_name);
        match parse_module_import(&current_path, &requested_path) {
            Ok(path) => {
            Err(err) => {

Wow what happened here? Do you remember module_name variable? We used it in Repository struct. Also parse_module_import function comes from ellie_engine::ellie_core::module_path module. It takes two parameters current_path and requested_path. It returns Ok(path) if the path is valid. If the path is not valid it returns Err(err). Now how to handle errors?

impl ProgramRepository for Repository {
    fn read_module(
        &mut self,
        link_module: bool,
        current_path: String,
        requested_path: String,
    ) -> ResolvedImport {
        let starter_name = format!("<ellie_module_{}>", self.module_name);
        match parse_module_import(&current_path, &requested_path) {
            Ok(path) => {
            Err(err) => {
                ResolvedImport {
                    found: false,
                    resolve_error: "Cannot access outside of workspace".to_string(),

If parse_module_import gives a error its definetly because of the path is not valid. So we will return ResolvedImport with found as false and resolve_error as Cannot access outside of workspace. Now lets handle Ok(path).

impl ProgramRepository for Repository {
    fn read_module(
        &mut self,
        link_module: bool,
        current_path: String,
        requested_path: String,
    ) -> ResolvedImport {
        let starter_name = format!("<ellie_module_{}>", self.module_name);
        match parse_module_import(&current_path, &requested_path) {
            Ok(path) => {
                let real_path = path
                if Path::new(&real_path).exists() {
                    let mut file = File::open(&real_path).unwrap();
                    let mut contents = String::new();
                    file.read_to_string(&mut contents).unwrap();
                    let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
                    contents.hash(&mut hasher);
                    ResolvedImport {
                        found: true,
                        hash: hasher.finish().try_into().unwrap(),
                        matched: ImportType::Code(contents),
                } else {
                    ResolvedImport {
                        found: false,
                        resolve_error: "Path does not exist".to_string(),
            Err(err) => {

In this part we got target_path from our struct. Its the main.ei file’s absolute path. path is <ellie_module_main>/deb.ei and we replaced <ellie_module_main> with absolute path of our main.ei file. Which in this case its /home/ellie/main.ei. Now we are changing <ellie_module_main> with this path. So the path is now /home/ellie/deb.ei. Now we are checking if the file exists. If it exists we will read the file and return it as ImportType::Code. If it does not exist we will return ResolvedImport with found as false and resolve_error as Path does not exist.

Providing Module ImportType::Module

This functionality will be removed in the future. So we will not talk about it.

Building Pager


pub fn new(
        main: String,
        main_file_name: String,
        path: String,
        import_resolver: E,
        initial_hash: usize,
    ) -> Self {
  • main is the main file’s content.
  • main_file_name is the main file’s name.
  • path is the main file’s path.
  • import_resolver is closure for importing modules. |link_module: boolean, path: string, current_path: string| -> ResolvedImport

Pager is interface for tokenizing workspace. It takes main file’s content and main_file_name and path and import_resolver and initial_hash. initial_hash is the hash of main file’s content. It returns Pager struct.

What is Pager::new?
let main_program = program_repository.read_main();
let mut pager = Pager::new(
    format!("{}/", main_program.start_directory),
    move |link_module, path, module_identifier| {
        program_repository.read_module(link_module, path.clone(), module_identifier)
match {
    Ok(_) => Ok(pager.pages),
    Err(errors) => Err(errors),

Now we are creating Pager with main_program.file_content and main_program.file_name and format!("{}/", main_program.start_directory) and closure for importing modules and main_program.file_hash. Now we are running pager and if it returns Ok we are returning pager.pages. If it returns Err we are returning Err(errors).

In next stage, we will talk about Parser and how to use pager.pages.